Virginia 811 uses a GIS system to allow member utilities to identify the areas where they need to know about digging activity.
We also have the capability of importing shapefiles from your CAD or GIS systems.
For questions or help with providing a shapefile, Email our GIS team by clicking here.
Member Mapping Instructions
Instructions on using the Polygon program
For faster printing, right click and select “Save Target As…” to save the file to your computer.
If you need an account and password, visit our Help Desk or call us at 811 and follow the prompts for “other questions and information” to speak with our Help Desk.

Instructions on using the Grids/Gridlets program
For faster printing, right click and select “Save Target As…” to save the file to your computer.
If you need an account and password, visit our Help Desk or call us at 811 and follow the prompts for “other questions and information” to speak with our Help Desk.

The Virginia 811 Academy
The Academy is where you will find the training you need for use of Newtin Polygon Maintenance and Newtin Grid Maintenance. Both software applications are standalone programs that allow a Virginia 811 Member to access their Notification Area 24/7, ensuring that their records are up to date and accurate. Access to the Member Notification Area is permission-based and requires specific criteria. It is important to note that this training does not guarantee that Newtin access will be granted. The intended audience for this information is individuals who are already identified as being responsible for maintaining their Member’s Notification Area.