Scheduling of Tickets - Virginia811

Scheduling of Tickets

Virginia 811’s Newest Enhancement Feature

Users can now schedule Locate Requests more efficiently and with more flexibility.

Enhanced Flexibility

Enhanced Flexibility

Schedule work dates for marking with increased flexibility.

Advance Preparation

Advance Preparation

Allows for proactive planning and preparation.

Assistance to Locators

Assistance to Locators

Aids locators in managing their workload effectively.

Improved Notification

Improved Notification

Enables better notification to locators, ensuring timely completion of locates.

Resource Optimization

Resource Optimization

Facilitates the allocation of resources to handle heavy work volume promptly.

This new software modification aligns with the recent amendment to The Underground Utility Damage Prevention Act, allowing users to schedule excavations up to 12 working days in advance. The feature is available to all users, including those using Web Ticket Entry (WTE) accounts, Single Address Ticket (SAT), and those submitting Locate Requests over the phone.

Scheduling of Tickets Frequently Asked Questions

Virginia 811 introduced the option to schedule excavations on December 20, 2023. Implementing this scheduling feature aligns with the July 1, 2023, law change to the Underground Utility Damage Prevention Act of Virginia, specifically the revision in § 56-265.19 A. This amendment allows for the scheduling of excavation up to 12 working days in advance, providing more flexibility in marking work dates. Regarding scheduled excavations, tickets will remain open for 15 working days following the stated date of work.

Scheduling tickets allows for:

  • Enhanced Flexibility: Schedule work dates for marking with increased flexibility.
  • Advance Preparation: Allows for proactive planning and preparation.
  • Improved Notification: Enables better notification to locators, ensuring timely completion of locates.
  • Assistance to Locators: Aids locators in managing their workload effectively.
  • Resource Optimization: Facilitates the allocation of resources to handle heavy work volume promptly.

The scheduling feature is available to all users, including those who use Single Address Ticket (SAT), Web Ticket Entry (WTE) accounts, and even those who submit locate requests over the phone.

Per § 56-265.19 A, the scheduling capability allows for excavation scheduling up to 12 working days in advance.

The output ticket formats will not change in any way. The only changes visible on the delivered ticket would be the date values.

Weekends and holidays are no longer available for scheduling.

If all utilities have responded to the positive response, if there is no clear evidence of unmarked utilities, and if you agree with the responses, you can start your project.

You cannot revise this date once the ticket has been scheduled. If you realize there is an error after submitting a scheduled locate request, you must cancel the ticket and create a new one.

White lining is not required but always recommended.

For users with a Web Ticket Entry (WTE) account, Virginia 811 has introduced a new chat feature that you can use. WTE users are also encouraged to visit the Virginia 811 Academy to watch the recently added Scheduling Tickets video in the Web Ticket Entry Online Video Course.

Users/Members without WTE accounts can contact Virginia 811’s Help Desk for further assistance. Our team is ready to help and provide the information you need.

Additional Information for Web Ticket Entry (WTE) Users

  1. Locate By/Due Date: Request a Locate By date between two to twelve full working days starting from 7:00 AM the next business day after the creation of the ticket, with the time for the locate by/due date set at 7:00 AM.
  2. Response Due Date: Maintain the existing practice of setting the response due date to align with the Locate By date.
  3. Update By Date: Maintain the existing practice of setting the Update By Date to 13 full working days from the Locate By date at 11:59 PM.
  4. Expiration Date: Maintain the existing practice of setting the Expiration Date to 15 full working days from the Locate By date at 7:00 AM.

Image 1

Illustrates the Notification Dates section of Ticket Entry, which is where the new schedule date “SKD” button will be placed.

WTE Sample Schedule 1

Image 2

Illustrates what happens when a user clicks the “SKD” button. A new window called “Schedule Date” populates, featuring a dropdown list of available dates.

WTE Schedule Ticket Sample 2

Image 3

Illustrates the available dates when a user expands the dropdown
list in the “Schedule Date” window.

WTE Scheduling Sample 3

Image 4

Illustrates how the dates in the Notification Dates section are updated upon selecting a non-default Locate/Due By date.

It is important to note that both the Update By and Expiresdates are updated dynamically based on the user’s selection in the Schedule Date dropdown.

Image 5

Illustrates the blue asterisk icon, which is displayed beside the ticket type icon upon inquiring on a ticket that has been scheduled.

Need further assistance with scheduling your WTE tickets?  Well… let’s chat!

Web Ticket Entry users can enjoy a new chat feature allowing direct conversations with Web Ticket Entry Quality Coordinators. WTE users can communicate with coordinators in real-time, whether you need additional training, assistance with Locate Requests, or help troubleshooting account issues.

The feature can be found at the bottom right corner of the Ticket Entry screen and opened in a separate window for added user convenience.

Critical points to note about the Chat feature:

  • Chats will only be available during normal business hours 
  • Chats cannot be used to cancel or create Locate Requests


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Image 2

Not a Web Ticket Entry (WTE) User Yet?

Then, explore the Virginia 811 Academy for comprehensive Web Ticket Entry (WTE) training designed for professional excavators. This training equips you with the skills to fill out your notices of excavation efficiently. The WTE application is tailored for those managing large ticket volumes, offering a deep understanding of notification requirements at a professional level.

Academy Logo-560x426
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