Past Events from April 5, 2022 – August 12, 2022 – Page 13 – Virginia811

Events Calendar

Virginia Statewide Damage Prevention Committee Meeting

  Agenda includes:   VA811 Update SCC Update Task Force 2022 CGA Conference Update Questions?   Virginia Virtual Damage Prevention Committee Thu, April 29, 2022 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM (EST)   Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. Microsoft Teams meeting Click here to join the meeting

Danville/Lynchburg Damage Prevention Meeting

Please join us for a Damage Prevention Committee meeting! This is an informal, educational meeting for damage prevention stakeholders. Damage prevention and safety issues will be discussed during the meeting. Please RSVP to Milton Keesee [email protected]  

Memorial Day Holiday

Memorial Day Holiday Emergency tickets and 3 hour notice tickets only processed on this day.

Virginia 811 Annual Membership Meeting

8:00 AM – Breakout Session –  WTE Training (CANCELED) 8:00 AM – Breakout Session -   Mobile Command Center Tour, Columbia Gas of Virginia 9:00 AM – Breakout Session -   Sam Brumberg, General Counsel for VMDAEC (Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives) 10:00 AM – Virginia 811 Annual Meeting Annual Business Meeting Call Meeting

Independence Day Holiday

Independence Day Holiday Emergency tickets and 3 hour notice tickets only processed on this day.

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