B. Scott Crawford, President & CEO of Virginia 811, discusses the 2023 changes to Virginia’s Underground Utility Damage Prevention Act
Throughout 2022, a group of stakeholders, working with the Advisory Committee and the State Corporation Commission, formed Taskforce 2022. Committed to enhancing damage prevention, they proposed changes to the Underground Utility Damage Prevention Act of Virginia. The General Assembly approved, and the Governor signed these amendments into law on July 1, 2023. These amendments are significant as they mark the first substantial modifications to the Act in almost a quarter of a century.
Latest Rulemaking
Rulemaking to Update the Commission’s Rule for Enforcement of the Virginia Underground Utility Damage Prevention Act. Case No. URS-2024-00068
The proposed regulatory action, amends certain provisions of 20 VAC 5-309-10 et seq. These regulatory amendments, pursuant to Va Code § 56-265.30, update the Commission’s regulations to enable the implementation of new electronic white lining technology. Such technology will assist in defining planned areas of excavation for the further prevention of damage to underground utility lines.

Law Change Resources
Updated Virginia Professional Excavator’s Manual
Access the mobile-responsive version of the updated Virginia Professional Excavator’s Manual. Please note that an updated printed version is pending but not yet available.

Frequently Asked Questions
For a list of frequently asked questions and answers regarding the recent law changes, click below here:

Code 60
Commonly Asked Questions About Changes to Code 60

Code 60 Email Notification Examples

The Code 60 Process

Locate Request Best Practices Guide
The Best Practices Guide contains helpful information for understanding the new law change for one-third of a mile and how to describe non-linear areas of excavation.

Virginia’s Legislative Information System (LIS) is a platform where users can access and review the Underground Utility Damage Prevention Act in Virginia. It provides the entire updated text of the Act, including its various sections and provisions. Users can navigate through the website to explore the specific details, regulations, and requirements outlined in the Act related to the prevention of damage to underground utilities.
To review the amended Underground Utility Damage Prevention Act of Virginia: