Ticket Search can be used to find Virginia 811 Locate Request (ticket) information. It can be used by:
- Homeowners who are trying to figure out why there are utility paint markings in their yard.
- Excavators who have misplaced their ticket number or ticket information
Locate Requests (tickets) can be found either by Ticket Number or Street Name. For best results searching by Street Name:
- Leave off the house number
- Enter partial Street Name, not the full Street Name
- Leave off the suffix (Dr., St., Ave., etc.)
- Enter partial Street Name, not the full Street Name
For GPS-enhanced devices such as mobile, use Location Enhanced Ticket Search (LETS) to view tickets in your area.

Location Enhanced Ticket Search (LETS)
If you are using a GPS enabled device, such as mobile phone, use Location Enhanced (LETS) to search for your ticket by location.
If you are not using a GPS-enhanced device, use Ticket Search to search by ticket number or street name.